Book an appointment online

For new patients it is preferable to book 60 mins to allow for consultation. However , if short on time or you think you have an uncomplicated history it is fine to book for 30 mins – a lower fee applies.

Existing patients please book 30 mins or 60 mins appointments as necessary.

Book Here

Alison Fees


  $265 for first consultation (1 hour)

  $145 for first consultation (30 mins)

  $265 subsequent treatments (1 hour)

  $145 subsequent treatments (30 mins)


Non working seniors (67 years +) and FULL TIME STUDENTS ( over 18 years of age ):

  $185 for first consultation (1 hour)

  $105 for first consultation (30 mins)

  $185 subsequent treatments (1 hour)

  $105 subsequent treatments (30 mins)

Working seniors (67 years +):

  $240 for first consultation (1 hour)

  $120 for first consultation (30 mins)

  $240 subsequent treatments (1 hour)

  $120 subsequent treatments (30 mins)

Calendar | Rozelle Osteopaths