Why Needling Techniques and Osteopathy combination

Needling Techniques and Osteopathy combination | Rozelle OsteopathsIn my opinion using needling techniques and osteopathy combination really is a case of ‘The whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts’ . In other words you tend to get a quicker , deeper and  longer lasting response to the two combines.

I had 12 years clinical experience as an osteopath before I did the course Needling Techniques and TCM for Musculoskeletal Pain so I was able to compare Osteopathy only to the Needling Techniques / Osteopathy combo and it was very soon apparent to me that people responded more quickly and lastingly.

Of course Needling Techniques is not for everyone as many fear needles but it s definitely worth considering when you see me for an appointment

Alison Linn , Rozelle Osteopaths